Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Scrappin' Saturday

I'm typing this up at 8:30 pm Friday night and am one tired chickie. Sooo... I be brief. :) Here's this weekend's layout. It's about my 2nd son becoming a big brother and what a wonderful, loving big brother he is (and has been from day one). Sorry about the bad pic. If I had more energy I'd retake it. ;)

I must say that I'm kind of embarrassed to be showing my layouts on here. I feel like I've been bitten bad by the card making bug and am having so much fun with that and all the fun inky techniques out there...  I just can't seem to project all that on to my layouts. Maybe it's because I'm feeling pressured to just get them done? *sigh* Anyways, thanks for bearing with me. ;)

Have a great weekend,


  1. Sarah, it's wonderful - the babies were so tiny! Love seeing these pictures, and your son will treasure this years from now. PLEASE keep them have no idea how inspirational they are to me :) I learn something on each one!

  2. This is a great layout Sarah! Don't feel pressured my dear. Use those inky techniques in your scrapping. Stamps and scrap booking play well together.

  3. Sarah this layout is wonderful, I love the stars and how you did the journaling. And what sweet photos of your happy memories. I think in the long run you'll be very glad that you're making an effort to work on your family layouts, but please don't feel pressured - that was not my intent at all!!

  4. Hi Sarah! I know how you feel. I have a difficult time also, trying to use techniques from cardmaking on my layouts. Maybe just start with distressing the edges a bit, or something small like that. Then your ideas will grow from there. I adore this layout! Love seeing the photos of your beautiful family! And Libby is right, you'll be so glad in the long run, that you've gotten these pages finished! Hugs to you!

  5. I just love how you layered the photos telling the special time it was...that's what scrpbooking is about. No need to feel pressured about special inking technique here really! LOVE it just the same :)

  6. I love that this LO has a lot of pictures! And so what if your LO's aren't inky? They are still great! :>

  7. Awesome LO!
    BTW...did you get Mr. Smiles yet??

  8. love those precious photos, Sarah! they are so cute. lovely layout!

  9. Wow! This layout is beyond fabulous. No need to be embarrassed at all. I think it's great!
    Those photos are just too adorable and I really LOVE the way you did your journaling.

  10. I think it's awesome that you're working on these layouts, Sarah. I have a feeling that, down the road, when you look at these pages you won't even be paying attention to what inky techniques you used, but will just treasure the memories you have captured. And that is such a precious gift for your family. Don't give up! {And by the way, while you may be disappointed in your layouts, the rest of us are madly in love with them and totally inspired. Just so you know :) }

  11. Oh Sarah you are making me feel guilty!!! LOVE your layouts!!!

  12. Beautiful! Love the layouts and the pictures are wonderful.
