Saturday, December 4, 2010

Scrappin' Saturday and 'What Women Want"

Hi all,
Quick post today as I'm about to take the kids out to an event at my sister's church. Here's my next installment of Scrappin' Saturday, a layout for my son's album about a trip we took to visit family and friends in the states:

Sorry about the bad pic. Still try to figure out how to take good layout pictures. No stamping on this one but I did use my Silhouette. Lovin' that machine! I just discovered that if you click on the picture you get it full screen. ;)

One more thing to share. This flyer came in out mail yesterday and I just had to adjust it for my hubby's benefit... only slightly. ;)

Thanks for popping by! Hope everyone has a great weekend. We finally have snow! So fun for the kids! :)


  1. So funny, Sarah! I'm sure he got the hint! :) Love your double-page layout today! Beautiful photos of the kids! Love the truck paper!

  2. Haha, a broad hint :) I love your cute layout! Adorable!

  3. Great layout! :> You made me laugh with your flyer!

  4. Sweet layout, and GREAT card!

  5. Love your layout, Sarah! That's really fabulous you grouped the photos so beautifully together! And I am so with YTOU on what women want for Christmas (scratch that, ALL season!!)

  6. Wonderful layout! Love all the pictures. Love your modified ad! Too funny!

  7. Incredible layout and I love your note to your hubby! LOL! So true!

  8. Loving your layout, you are so ROCKING these lately Sarah, oh and how I got a chuckle out of your gift to your husband, let us know if it worked.

  9. Love your wonderful layout, I really like pages that use a lot of fun photos like this one! Got to say I had a fit of giggles when I saw your personalized only question though; your hubby still needs to be prompted? Just saying....
    bless you!

  10. Such a great layout--I clicked on it to see more details. And I love your subtle hint card! Hope your hubby catches on...

  11. love the "subtle" hint! =) super layout, too!

  12. Wow Sarah! What a great layout! And seems that Jennifer McQuire loved your little reminder for your hubby! She mentioned it on her blog today! Good for you! All the best!

  13. Very funny. Love your layout. I too love my Silhouette:o)

  14. I am laughing out loud!!! So funny Sarah! Boy can i relate!

  15. Wonderful layout, Sarah! Lol about your hint to your hubby - I'd much prefer HA stamps too!
