Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Some Our Daily Bread cards

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd pop by today to share some cards I made last month at the craft retreat I went to Cincinnati. Jana Millen was sweet enough to let me borrow some of her "Our Daily Bread Designs" stamps: Scripture Collections 1 and Scripture Series 1. I really do need to add these to my own collection of stamps. I LOVE the messages and have been needing to send out some extra special cards the past few weeks. The sentiments in these set were perfect.

Here are the cards I made:

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Sarah, your cards are gorgeous. I love all the verses. The second one is my favorite. Love the soft subtle feel with the touch of gems.

  2. beautiful cards Sarah! I love ODBD stamps and dies. their bird and floral images are some of the best out there, and of course the corresponsing sentiments are perfect.

  3. WOW Sarah!!! these are gorgeous!!!!

  4. Sarah, your cards are gorgoues!! Have you been playing in out challenges over on the ODBD blog? They are every Satruday, and every other Thursday!!
    Blessings, Kelley

  5. Sarah, these are so strikingly beautiful. Amazing sentiments and great use of patterned paper. So rich and perfect! LOVE!

  6. These are really beautiful, Sarah, so touching and thoughtful!

  7. I think I need to look into their stamps a bit, too! Love these cards.
