Monday, January 30, 2012

Paper Crafts Stamp It! 3 Ways Winner

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to pop in and thank you all for the wonderful comments you left over the weekend regarding the Paper Crafts Stamp It! 3 Ways blog hop. :)

BloggerI also need to pick a winner for a copy of this fabulous issue. My son and did it very scientifically. ;) I slowly scrolled down the page of comments until he said 'stop'. He then closed his eyes and moved the mouse around and when he stopped this is the comment he stopped on. ;) 
Beastybunny said...
Fantastic use of the circles! I love emboss resist. And the scales of the last card are so bright and cheery! Great job!
January 27, 2012 10:23 AM
 Congrats, Beastybunny! Please email me with your name and mailing address and I'll send it on over to Paper Crafts. :) ETA: I used ColorBox Frost White pigment ink on the kraft card...


  1. What brand/kind of white ink do you use on your craft paper? Mine always fades into the!

  2. Congrats to Beastybunny! Hope she sees that she was your winner. : )

  3. That's so cute how the winner was picked!!!!! I love your random generator!!!!!
