Friday, February 10, 2012

Paper Craft rejects

Hi everyone,

Just popping in to share a couple of cards I submitted to the Paper Craft Stamp It! Cards vol 9 call that didn't get any loving. Hoping they'll get a little here. ;) I submitted 15 cards, only 6 were new. 9 were resubmits and the 1 that they picked is one I've submitted 2 times before. 3rd times a charm, right? ;)

Anyways, I'm going to hold on to a few of them yet but thought I'd share a couple today.

As always, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Huh. Resubmitting the same cards to the same magazine. I had no idea. :-) Congratulations Sarah, your work is ALWAYS gorgeous - they had sooooo many to choose from this time, there are bound to be rejects. :-)

  2. These are both really cute! I had several resubmits this time, but none of them were chosen, but I did have a new one chosen, so that's good!

  3. Sweet cards, Sarah! I submitted a card that looks very similar to your second one, I'd like to think that our creative minds were thinking alike! Kudos on getting another card chosen for publication!

  4. Congrats on getting a card published - I'll just have to keep trying :)

  5. A great lesson in "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" Congrats, Sarah, and thanks for sharing these - who know what they're looking for?!!

  6. Wow Sarah, these are both gorgeous cards! Big congrats on having one of your cards picked! I never thought of resubmitting cards so it's good to know that's possible!

  7. Hi Sarah, These gorgeous cards are rejects, I can't believe it. Congratulations on getting one published.
    Unfortunately I wasn't lucky this time but I will follow your advice and keep trying. Also thanks for the tip about resubmitting, I am going to save two of my cards and try again with them.

  8. Yep, that's what I always do, resubmit! :) Those two are so sweet! Love them both!

  9. These are BEAUTIES! Thanks for sharing them as they are not one bit rejects to me!

  10. These are both beautiful! Wonderful colors and design!
