Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Birthday to my dear husband!

Just wanted to pop in and let you all know that my wonderful husband is celebrating his birthday today! He's such a blessing to our family and we love him so much. :) Here's the card I made for him (he's got his private pilot's license, hence the flying theme):

Hero Arts: Newspaper Background, Find Joy

Hope he has a great day today and that you do too!


  1. Happy Birthday to your hubby, Sarah! Perfect card for him - love it! :)

  2. Ahhh, love this, Sarah!! Hope your DH has a great birthday!

  3. love this card!!! perfect and so original for a mans card. This would suit my hubby too. oh happy birthday to your hubby too : )
    Emma x

  4. SARAH!!!! THIS IS SOOO COOOOOOOL! He is ooober lucky to have a wife like you!

    Are you excited about next month? I'm crazy excited.

    I'll never forget about the adventure of the tires :) Look - YOU ARE such a good wife!

    Big hugs and see ya sooN!

  5. perfectly manly and perfectly customized for your guy too! loving your creativity, Sarah....sending birthday blessings along to your hubby.

  6. What a wonderful card for your hubby! Perfect with the airplane charm and the sweet clouds!
