Monday, July 23, 2012

Simon Says Stamp! August Card Kit (& a GIVEAWAY)

Hi everyone!

Happy Monday! I'm back from a week in Chicago with the family where we were on vacation and, well, now I need a vacation. ;) I did get to spend an afternoon at CHA and it was great to meet a few online crafty friends for the first time and see some old friends once again. :)

Before I get to today's post I'm going to announce a new winner of my 'New Home Blog Giveaway' since I never heard back from the first winner. Random Org picked #8.....

Melissa Shea said...
Love your new blog! Awesome banner too :) Thanks for the giveaway :)
June 3, 2012 5:58 PM
Congrats, Melissa! Send me an email with your addy and get these stamps out to you. :)
Okay, onto today's post:

All this week I'll be sharing cards made with Simon Says Stamp! August Card Kit: Flower Girl, except for Wednesday which will be my regular Simon Says Stamp Challenge post.

Doesn't this kit just ROCK?!?!?

Here's my first card:

And here are the products I used to make it:

Leave a comment on any or all of my Card Kit posts: today, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for your chance to win your own August Card Kit thanks to the super sweet Heidi of Simon Says Stamp! I'll announce the winner Monday July 30th.


  1. You lucky girl, to be able to see CHA!! Love all the elements in your card, looks like a great kit - thanks for the chance, Sarah!

  2. I am sure you had lots of fun at CHA! Wish I could have gone so I can meet you. Lovely card, Sarah and this kit looks gorgeous.

  3. Weeeeee! Thanks Sarah! Love your card today too. Last month you made one with the envelope on front-loved it so much I made one w the same idea (totally gave you credit & mine looks way different!!). I love your style :) thanks again! I will email you :)

  4. LOVE this card!!! I so miss getting these kits! I will live vicariously through you! I can't wait to see what else you did!!

  5. Loving the colors in this month's kit, and a great CAS card! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Beautiful card!
    I'm your follower now!

  7. Love your card Sarah so pretty! What a Yummy kit!!! Can't wait to see the test of your cards....xoxo

  8. This is such a pretty card! I love it!

  9. Looks like a great kit! Can't wait to see all your cards. TFS ;-)

  10. Cute card, Sarah! Very nice giveaway - looking forward to seeing what else you do with the card kit!

  11. cute card! that looks like a great kit! :)

  12. Beautiful color combination on your beautiful card. That looks like a great kit! We were in Chicago last week too for a family reunion.

  13. Maybe I'll get to CHA one day. Pretty card - Love that chevron stamp.
    Such gorgeous elements in that kit. Here's hoping!

  14. I would love to try a Simon Says Stamp kit- thanks for the chance to win. I love what you did with it

  15. Beautiful card! Thanks for the giveaway. Margaret K.

  16. A beautiful card! Can't wait to see the other cards during the week :)

  17. So lucky that you got to go to CHA - been following all the tweets and blogs! Love your card, can't wait to see more!

  18. Great card! Love how you stamped the tag!

  19. Lovely card, fabulous kit! Thanks for the chance! And you get to spend time at CHA, lucky you!

  20. I love this card! It's really classy! Thank you so much for the chance to win! :-) xx

  21. I really like how you used the rose as the body of the butterfly. Very nice!

  22. Beautiful cards! Thanks for sharing your ideas. I learn
    so much
    from you.

    Julie R.

  23. You are rocking these fall colours Sarah!

  24. Love the colors on this! So rich looking! Thanks for the chance to win!

  25. Great card. I love how you stamped the tag with the chevron.

  26. Fabulous kit and wonderful card. Great job!

  27. Love the card you have made great arrangement and fab KIT..thanks for your commenting on my cherry card Sarah..hugs
