Friday, October 12, 2012

Hero Arts/Basic Grey Lucille Stamps

Hi everyone!

I'm back today with a final card for my Hero Arts blog week. I've really enjoyed showcasing some wonderful new Hero Arts products. I'd say 99% of the cards I make in general have Hero Arts products on them somewhere but it was fun to make a full week out of it. :)

So did you come here today expecting another Christmas card? ;) I thought today I'd share a card using a new non-Christmas related line. The card I made for today features two stamps from the new Lucille line that was done in conjunction with Basic Grey. The papers in this line are wonderful, earthy colors. The fun thing about stamps is that you can use whatever colors you like. :)

Don't forget about my little giveaway:

In celebration of all things Hero Arts and seeing that I've also just reached 100 followers with my 'new' blog I'm doing a little giveaway. :) On Monday, October 15th I'll post ONE winner who can choose TWO Hero Arts Stamps of their liking (either cling, clear, or 1 of each). I'll order them through Simon Says Stamp and have them sent out to the winner. :) Sound good? All you have to do is leave a comment on one of my Hero Arts posts this week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. I would also appreciate it if you followed my blog if you aren't already but I won't make you. ;) All comments left before midnight EST Sunday, October 14th are eligible.
Thanks so much for dropping by today! I really appreciate you visiting!
Sarah :)

Here's what I used to make today's card:


  1. NICE! The SMALL SCREEN BG never looked so good!

  2. So fun! Love how you selectively colored the background!

  3. Love your card, Sarah!! LOVE the background stamp! Congrats on your 100+ followers!!

  4. Sarah, your card is so cute!!! Congratulations on 100 followers! YAY!!!

  5. I LOVE rainbow colored cards! This is great :) I'm following now too :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  6. Congrats on 100 followers!
    This card is fantastic- I love how you colored it!

  7. Gorgeous card Sarah!

  8. So pretty! Love the rainbow colors...makes me happy.

  9. Love the way you highlighted the Screen stamp on this fun and colourful card!

  10. All your cards this week are great and this one is especially fun!! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!

  11. love the coloring on the background stamp. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. Another great card! And more stamps from my fav company. LOL Thanks for this HA week. ;-)

  13. Such a fun design, love that background stamp.

  14. I love this card, it's super cute! The stamps are great! I just ordered that clear set as well. Can't wait till I get it, it's so much fun! :-) xx

  15. That background is great and i love the HA inks! TFS. :)

  16. That is such a super fun card! Great idea to color small parts of the stamp! TFS and thank you for a chance to win a fabulous prize!

  17. Love all the fun colors on this card! Super cute!

  18. Gorgeous backgrounds and lovely card. TFS

  19. Such a fun and cheerful card Sarah..hugs

  20. Love the bright rainbow colours :)

  21. Just love your colourful, fun, uplifting card - rainbows are a favourite of mine!

  22. Congratulations on your 100. Love your work...keep it up.

  23. What a fun card! Love it, Sarah! Congrats on your 100 followers.

  24. Sarah,
    I just LOVE your colours and colouring - very cute card!!

  25. Wow! I've never noticed that BG stamp before! So cool, Sarah! Love the card design, too!

  26. Such a FUN card! I love the sentiment paired with the days of the week! So perfect!

  27. Just ADORE this card!! Perfect in every way!! Hugs!
