Monday, April 28, 2014

Hostess Gift Card Sets

Hi everyone,

I'm stopping by today to share some card sets I've been working on the last little bit. I find card sets to be a great thing to make when the mojo just isn't there. The designs tend to be quite simple and since I'm mass producing there is little thinking to do once the design is settled on. Once finished they make great hostess gifts. :)

I used Jennifer McGuire's BRILLIANT tutorial for making the boxes. I also used this as an opportunity to use up some of the patterned paper I've hoarding from past Simon Says Stamp Card kits and my own stash.

Here are the 3 card sets I made (this is a picture heavy post). ;)

This first set uses the Paper Smooches Bold Buzzwords Stamp Set and their Quotables Dies, along with some Basic Grey 6x6 Paper and lots of different enamel dots...

My second and third card sets use a number of Simon Says Stamp word dies, Hero Arts sequins, and patterned papers from various Simon Says Stamp Card Kits.

Set #3:


Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. These are great, Sarah! Sure to be so appreciated by the recipients!

  2. Wow, those are all great designs! I love them!

  3. Every card is fabulous and I love these wonderful sets!!

    So creative and they all came out so awesome!!

    :) Thanks for sharing, I may have to "case" one or two, sometime, with credit to YOU, of course!!

  4. What wonderful card sets - perfect last minute gifts for anyone to have on hand! I love these.

  5. These are gorgeous. What great gifts in those lovely boxes

  6. Absolutely brilliant! Love the idea and the different designs … so going to steal that :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Oh, I LOVE these card sets! Great way to use patterned papers and die pretty, all of them!

  8. These are Great!

    I have so much patterned paper that doesn't go with some things. These designs are fantastic!

  9. THANK YOU for this post!! I am drowning in left over card kit paper - just submerged! I can go home and use it all now!!!!!!! Susan

  10. Gorgeous I love these card sets! I was inspired to make some based on your design :) Ger x
