Friday, October 17, 2014

Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit: Merry Christmas (& GIVEAWAY)!

Hi everyone,

I'm back to share another card using the fabulous new Simon Says Stamp Monthly Card Kit: Winter Jubilee!

Once again here's a picture of this month's kit:

Here's today's card:

For this card I focused on using the Simon Says Stamp Be Joyful Stamp Set found in this month's kit to create a silhouette scene. In hindsight... maybe I should have white heat embossed the stars? I kept things fairly simple, just adding some of the sequins from the kit to the trees with the Multi Matte Medium that comes with the kit.


Just a reminder that you can pick up the Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit HERE for just $24.95 + shipping. If you like to receive this kit and future kits for only $19.95 + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE.

I also have an extra Simon Says Stamp November 2014 Card Kit to give away thanks to sweet Heidi, owner of Simon Says Stamp! Just leave a comment on any or all of my November Card Kit posts by the end of Tuesday, October 21st and I'll announce a winner on the 22nd.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Another sweet card with another fun kit! Love the swirls!

  2. Great kit! Love the sequins on the trees!

  3. I would love to try the Multi Medium Matte.

  4. Super cute card. I just love this kit.

  5. Looks like another great kit! ;-)

  6. This card kit looks awesome!! Love those trees!

  7. This holiday card kit is gorgeous! I love the swirly stars and the use of sequins on your card! Thank you for sharing and for the inspiration!

  8. great card for mass production!

  9. whimsical card- I like it!

    Julie R.

  10. What a pretty Christmas kit and a great card!

  11. very nice and simple card...those trees look pretty stamped in black.

  12. I'm glad you decided to keep the stars black rather than white...I believe it makes the card look very classy this way!

  13. Love the card! Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. I like how simple this card is. I don't think that white embossing was necessary! This is another great kit from Simon Says Stamp.....

  15. Isn't that star sky stamp awesome? Might sway me to order the kit - I love it!

  16. Beautiful card. Would be so wonderful to mass produce something like this.

  17. This is a great card...would be quick to do if you needed to mass produce, too!

  18. Wow, love the colours and the simple design is very striking. Hugz

  19. Lovely card! I wouldn't have white embossed the star at all, I love what you did. :)

  20. I love the swirly stars! It looks like a snow storm is coming! :)
