Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Forever and Ever (Simon Says Stamp February Card Kit) and GIVEAWAY WINNER!

Hi everyone,

I'm back today to share one more card using the gorgeous Simon Says Stamp February 2015 Card Kit.

Here's today's card:

Once again, I used the Gold Gelatos and water to paint the tag. I used one of the Crate Paper Kiss Kiss rub ons for the sentiment. I clear heat embossed the xo border and well as the die cut heart (which I mounted with foam adhesive).


You can pick up the Simon Says Stamp February Card Kit HERE for just $29.95 + shipping. If you'd like to receive this kit and future kits for only $24.95 + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE.

The winner of the Simon Says Stamp February Card Kit giveaway is:

Jennifer Essad who said...
Valentine's Day cards hold a special place in my heart. I love the sweat sentiments, thanks for sharing with us, I'd love the chance to win this wonderful gift
January 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM

Congrats, Jennifer! Please contact me via my sidebar with your mailing address so I can pass it on to Simon. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Lovely card Sarah!! So clean and crisp! And the embossed line of "xo" behind the tag is a great finishing touch!!

    Congrats to the winner!!

  2. I love your eternity ring around the heart & the sentiment is perfect with it!

  3. Lovely card, Sarah, love those patterned papers. Congrats to Jennifer, I'm sure we are all jealous, in a good way!

  4. Love the black base and tag element.

  5. Beautiful card, it has a warm look!

  6. That is so pretty. Love the clear embossing on the black. Subtle but very effective. Hugz
