Monday, March 23, 2015

Garage Sale Update - New Listings and Everything Goes Thursday!

i everyone!
I wasn't going to list all of this here since I'm having a vendor's box for my LSS's Spring Garage Sale this coming weekend but hey, here I am. ;) I'm bringing this all over on Thursday so if you're interested in purchasing anything please let me know before then. For the sake of time I'm just going to number the items and not name them. Hopefully you can read the prices on the labels.

All prices are in US dollars and I accept paypal. SPEND $40 AND SHIPPING IS FREE INSIDE CANADA AND THE USA. If you want me to get a shipping quote before you commit to anything just email me with your postal code and which items you're interested in and I'll get a quote out to you. I do know that it will be a minimum of $5 for small packages to the USA.

*ETA Please email me (button is on the side bar) your wish list rather than leave a comment. Blogger is set up so I'm unable to email you via your comments. Thanks!*

Sold items will be removed from the listing ASAP to shorten this post. ;)

Thanks so much!











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