Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sending Thanks (and SSS April Card Kit Winner)!

Hi everyone,

I'm popping by again to share the card I designed for my husband to use for his thank you cards for his 40th birthday party and also to announce the winner of the Simon Says Stamp April Card Kit.

Here's the card:

My husband has his private pilots licence and LOVES to fly so I wanted to incorporate that into his cards. :) Lots of yummy Simon Says Stamp products here:

The winner of the Simon Says Stamp Card Kit...


Blogger ScrapaDiddle who said...
Your card is designed so wonderfully! I really enjoyed it. Thanks for posting!
March 24, 2015 at 9:55 PM

Congrats ScrapaDiddle! Please email me your mailing info via the side bar so I can pass it on to Simon!

Remember, you can pick up the Simon Says Stamp April 2015 Card Kit HERE for just $29.95 + shipping. If you'd like to receive this kit and future kits for only $24.95 + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That card is just so COOL. I love it. The plane and die-cut are perfect together.

  2. Love this one, too. Very nice.

  3. What a sweet and simple card for your sweet hubby's birthday!

  4. So cool. I have always been fascinated with skywriting.I bet your Hubby loved these. Such a clever use of dies!
