Sunday, August 14, 2016

Simon Says Stamp September Card Kit: Interactive Birthday Card (& GIVEAWAY)!

Hi everyone!

The Simon Says Stamp September 2016 Card Kit: It's a Birthday Surprise is now available and it is FABULOUS! The concept behind this month's card kit is that Simon's new It's No Secret Stamps can be used with Inky Antics Scratch Off Stickers (in the 3/4" and 1" sizes in particular) to create fun interactive cards! If that wasn't cool enough, Simon Says Stamp has also included TWO beautiful bottles of Nuvo Drops in Caribbean Ocean Gloss and Silver Moondust Glitter, some yummy My Mind's Eye Hooray Puffy Stickers, Plus Birthday Gift Strip Tape, Doodlebug Kitten Smitten 6x6 Papers, and some of Simon's own wonderful cardstocks.

Here it is:
Here's the card I created for today. All the circles in the grid (stamped, die cut, and the scratch off sticker) are 1" on this card.

First, the card without the scratch off sticker.

With the sticker added:

With the sticker scratched off:

Isn't that FUN?!?!


As you can see I added all the different components of the September 2016 Card Kit to my card. Let me know if you have any questions about the specifics.

If you're interested, you can pick up the Simon Says Stamp September 2016 Card Kit for just $29.95 + shipping. If you'd like to receive this kit and future kits for only $24.95 + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE.

Heidi, owner of Simon Says Stamp, has given me an extra September 2016 Card Kit to pass on to one of you! Just leave a comment on any or all of my September Card Kit posts and I'll announce a winner Monday August 29th.

Thanks for stopping by!

Supplies (with affiliate links at no extra cost to you):


  1. I really like how the card turned out. I had trouble mixing and matching designs but you really did it well. Thank you for sharing it!

  2. What a fun and adorable card! Love the mix of patterns and of course the scratch off!

  3. A wonderful combination of colors and patterns, beautifully crafted card!!!

  4. This kit is too much fun! Love the scratch off! Super cute card with all of the circles too!

  5. Your card is so cute. Love the colours and stamp set in this card kit. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Very fun birthday card especially the interactive scratch off feature.

  7. Such a happy kit this month - your card is beautiful!

  8. squeal.isn't this just the cutest design? how fun those liquid enamels are.

  9. What a great kit. Those scratch off stickers are so fun!

  10. Sarah you made such a fun card with all the circles and the tiny presents! The scratch offs are lots of fun too!

  11. Very nice kit, you made beautiful cards ! 💕

  12. Adorable card, and the design works so well with these new scratch offs. Now I want to peek under and see what it says!

  13. Fabulous card!! I had no idea they had scratch off stickers!! What a great idea!!!

  14. Birthday cards are my favorite to make and this kit is so fun! I love your card with all the circles and the scratch off spot.

  15. Super cute card = and another great kit from SSS.

  16. What a super fun stamp set! I love it!

  17. This is such a fun card kit! I love the scratch offs!

  18. Love this card & those scratch offs! A really cute idea!

  19. What a fun card! Those little scratch dots are awesome!!

  20. This is the Perfect kit for me---
    my birthday is in September

  21. What a fun concept to do scratch stickers on cards. I love those things!

  22. Your card is so cute. Love those puffy stickers. Thanks for sharing.

  23. The first thing that always catches my eye in these stamp kits is the color palette, and I have to say, I love, love, love this one.

  24. I just can't go passed colourful dots! Great card!

  25. Scratch off stickers? Great idea!

  26. Wow! This kit is so amazing. I love your bright and colorful card.

  27. Wonderful card. Love these scratch off stickers. Hugz

  28. What a fun card! Definitely makes me smile.

  29. This is such a cute card, I like the combination of circles in a grid with the mini circles breaking up the pattern.

  30. So fun and beautiful! Love this design!!

  31. Oh how fun this card with all those circles and scratch suprise one!

  32. This is so adorable and what a great way to use up bits and pieces of paper. Love your ideas!!

  33. I love the concept. What a great card, so much fun for someone to get!

  34. This takes handmade cards up to a whole new level with the scratch off element! So fun and festive with those circles and enamel embellishments too.

  35. Very lovely kit ... Thanks for sharing.
