Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Create Together with Marcie Sharp (and Simon's Card Kit Winner Announced)

Hi everyone!

Happy Wednesday! Today I'm stopping by to share a card I made for Marcie Sharp's Create Together Challenge. I'm so honoured she asked me to play along with her this week! We've decided our theme would be TRIANGLES!

If you've followed my little blog for any length of time you know that I LOVE geometrics and also background stamps. It should come as little surprise that Simon's new Abstract Triangles Stamp is one my favourites from their STAMPtember release.

Here's the card I made for today's challenge:

I started the card by white heat embossing Simon's Abstract Triangles Stamp on Simon's 120 lb White Cardstock and die cutting it with the rectangle from Simon's Bundle of Stitches Dies. I then masked off some of the stripes in the pattern and added some distress inks with a Mini Ink Blending Tool to create my base of colours. From there I built up additional colour with my Zig Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolors. I white heat embossed the sentiment from Simon's You Matter Stamps on their Black Cardstock and embellished with some My Mind's Eye Hooray Puffy Stickers and Doodlebug Primary Enamel Dots. I adhered the final panel to a notecard made from Simon's Slate Cardstock.

Before I go I wanted to announce the winner of the Simon Says Stamp October Card Kit.

The winner is...

Lynne in NI who said...

Beautiful card, I love the colours in this kit :)
September 16, 2016 at 2:34 PM
Congrats Lynne! Please contact me via the button on the side bar with you mailing info so I can pass it on to the wonderful folks at Simon Says Stamp.

Thanks for stopping by and special thanks to Marcie for the fun challenge!

Supplies (with affiliate links at no extra cost to you):


  1. Cool card. Love how you coloured the triangles. Congrats to Lynne. Hugz

  2. What a fabulous card design. Love how you used the colours.

  3. Great Stamp Design!
    Love what you did with it!!!
    This stamp was on my "want" list
    but looks like it is now on my "NEEEED" list

  4. Love how you made your card with this background!

  5. Wow! Amazing colouring. Love how you created the diagonal lines within the triangles.
