Wednesday, December 28, 2016

SSS Floral Prayers Card & January Card Kit Winner

Hi everyone,

I'm popping by to share a clean and simple card I made to let someone know I'm praying for them and to announce the winner of the Simon Says Stamp January 2017 Card Kit

First, the winner of the Simon Says Stamp January 2017 Card Kit is:

Lynne in NI who said...

Such a beautiful snowflake card! Love your kit :)
December 27, 2016 at 4:36 PM

Congrats Lynne! Please message me via the contact me button on my side bar with your mailing address so I can pass it on to the wonderful folks at Simon Says Stamp

Here's the card I'm sharing today, my last for the year. My prayer is that you'll all have a wonderful new year!

Thanks for stopping by!

Supplies (with affiliate links at no extra cost to you):


  1. Love the pretty heart against the simple background. Happy New year to you too Sarah. Congrats Lynne. Hugz

  2. Lovely, Sarah, one of my favorite dies!

  3. Very pretty and just perfect for the theme. Happy New Year!

  4. Sarah, I love, love, love this card! I think it may be my favorite of yours ever! Did you cut this out of white cardstock, punch out the pieces, color them, and then piece them back in? It seems so labor intensive - or is there a better way?
