Saturday, February 25, 2017

SSS March Card Kit: Cool Chick Card

Hi everyone!

I'm back today to share a final card featuring the Simon Says Stamp March 2017 Card Kit: Some Bunny! Although this kit has sold out, many of the individual conponents are still available and are listed in my supply list at the end of this post.  
Here's today's card:

For this card, I paper-pieced the chick and glasses, adding 
Clear Wink of Stella Glitter Marker to the chick and Glossy Accents to the glasses. For the background, I put some of the Tonic Aquamarine Nuvo Mousse into the Ranger Mini Mister Spray Bottle, added water, and mixed it all up. I then spritzed it onto my Slate Gray card base.

As I mentioned above, the 
Simon Says Stamp March 2017 Card Kit has sold out. If you'd like to receive future kits for only $24.95 + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE.

Heidi, owner of Simon Says Stamp, has given me an extra Simon Says Stamp March 2017 Card Kit to pass on to one of you! Just leave a comment on any or all of my March Card Kit posts and I'll announce a winner Monday, February 27th.

Thanks for stopping by!

Supplies, including all components of the March Card Kit (except Simon's clear envelope), with affiliate links at no extra cost to you:


  1. Such a creatively cute card! Love, love, love the glasses on the chick!

  2. Those shades on the cool chick are so cute and fun!! I ADORE that mousse background. I would LOVE to have a chance to try out this product!! Thank you for the chance to win. Monday, the 27th, is my BD, so this would make a fabulous BD present!! :)
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  3. SQUEAL!! How SWEET!! hose Sunglasses make me SMILE and make me READY for some SPRING Weather!! EEEKKKK!! Can't WAIT!! THANKS For sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

  4. Such a fun card. Sure to make anyone smile.

  5. I'd love to try those beautiful mooses. The small size is perfect!

  6. Oh my goodness, this is so adorable! I love the chick with the sunglasses.

  7. Your card is soooo cute. Love the sunglasses. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What an uplifting card this would be for any girlfriend, right? Love the colors, and the chick and the saying just made me smile!

  9. I tried to order this kit but it was sold out by the time I pulled it up on the west coast - your card is so cute and I am thankful to at least have a chance to win one. Fingers crossed!

  10. Hee hee that chic bird is too cool! Love the spunk you've added.

  11. Hehe!!! Super cute! Love the glasses and background!!

  12. This is so super that background!!!!

  13. Cute chick is adorable!!! Love the glasses!!

  14. What an awesome the cute cool chick and the way you sprayed the base with the mousse.

  15. Sarah, this card is adorable! I love the sunglasses! Love the background too!

  16. An adorable card! The sunglasses are really awesome!

  17. A very cool chick. Love that background. Hugz

  18. Super fun card, Sarah? Love the fab and bright chick with his sunglasses, and your sprayed background is so cool. I'm exploring marbling techniques and yours looks stunning!
