Monday, September 24, 2018

SSS October Card Kit: Painted Printable & Giveaway

Hi everyone!

I'm popping by to share a final card featuring the Simon Says Stamp October Card Kit.

For today's card I took one of the exclusive Gina K printables from the kit and painted the image with the alcohol inks that came in the kit as well. I put a few drops of each ink on my craft sheet, added a bit of blending solution, and used a paint brush to paint the floral image. I then trimmed the sides down and added some of Simon's Moonshine Confetti. I took a strip of Simon's Burnt Orange Cardstock and ran some scoring tape down the edge of it before placed some of the Gina K Sweet Mango Foiling over top. It stuck to the tape creating a foiled strip.

Supplies with affiliate links at no extra cost to you:

The Simon Says Stamp October Card Kit sold for $34.99 USD + shipping. This kit how now sold out. If you'd like to receive future kits for $29.99 USD + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE. This is the best way to make sure you don't miss out!

Heidi, owner of Simon Says Stamp, has given me an extra Simon Says Stamp October Card Kit to pass on to one of you! Just leave a comment on any or all of my October Card Kit posts and I'll announce a winner Saturday September 29th.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Wonderful work. The printable by Gina K are amazing, i have never seen anything as awesome as these. Really like how you have used it.

  2. Simply breathtaking! Love this card.

  3. Awesome design, Sarah! Love the added foiling. Have not tried any foiling myself but your card has inspired me!

  4. Oh my this is beautiful, Sarah! I hadn't noticed these printed images before as part of the kit, but they are gorgeous and you've colored them perfectly!

  5. Sarah, I am in awe... I love how you painted this with the alcohol inks!!! So cool! I never thought to do that and this just opens up so many possibilities! I have so many colors from years ago when alcohol inks were big but I hardly put a dent in them so I'm thrilled they are making a come back and even more thrilled that you just showed me a NEW way to use them!!! Brilliant... and beautiful :-) Thanks for the inspiration. I can't wait to give it a go!

  6. Gorgeous again Sarah! I’ve never tried painting with alcohol inks, now I’ll have to give that a try. Great inspiration!

  7. Very pretty card, love the tranquil fall colors. Thank you for the inspiration.

  8. LOVE this! I missed out on ordering the kit, so thank you ever so much for an opportunity to win one! Cheers, Dotty

  9. Wow, so delighted and pretty xard. Love it simplicity with these elegant foil design.

  10. Great way to color these images with the alcohol inks and the sentiment is it really spot on!

  11. What a beautiful CAS card, Sarah.
    That a creative of using alcohol inks for coloring.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  12. Great idea! I’d never thought to use alcohol inks that way!

  13. Never even thought to use alcohol inks for coloring but this is gorgeous. Also didn't even realize these were pre-printed cool!

  14. I had no idea you could paint with alcohol inks?? That's so cool and the effect is fantastic. Really need to get on the alcohol ink bandwagon pronto!

  15. Love this! The flower coloring came out gorgeous and I love the little touch of foil!

  16. Your card is beautiful. Would never have thought to color the flower with alcohol inks, great technique. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Beautiful. Love these little foiled highlights you have been using. A little goes a long way. Hugz

  18. Fun way to use the alcohol inks!

  19. Oh I absolutely love the colors, gorgeous card!

  20. Such a pretty card and the sentiment is so impactful.

  21. Super pretty! I just love the colouring you did! It really makes the image and message stand out.

  22. Such a pretty card and wonderful sentiment. Loving the foiling and loving this kit! I'll be so happy when I can get back to making cards again.

  23. Marisela Delgado said: what a fabulous card! Awesome! Marisela

  24. Love the flower design and colors - well done Sarah!
