Saturday, October 20, 2018

SSS November Card Kit: Sending Hugs & Giveaway

Hi everyone!

I'm back to share a final card featuring the Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit.

For today's card I wanted to include a message from the Tim Holtz Idea-ology Snarky Small Talk Stickers...but I'm not snarky, lol. (Words of encouragement is actually my love language so I'm sensitive to words). My solution was to modify one of the stickers. I can't remember what the rest of the message I used was but I think it was something like "Just not me." There are a couple of greeting in the sticker booklet that can be modified to remove the snark and even individual words could be cut out and rearranged to create your own message. (I'll have to try that!) Anyways, here's my clean and simple card for today. I think the making of it is pretty self-explanitory. :)

Supplies with affiliate links at no extra cost to you:

The Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit sells for $34.99 USD + shipping. If you'd like to receive this and future kits for $29.99 USD + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE. This is the best way to make sure you don't miss out!

Heidi, owner of Simon Says Stamp, has given me an extra Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit to pass on to one of you! Just leave a comment on any or all of my November Card Kit posts and I'll announce a winner Monday October 22th.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. So pretty. Love the almost naked tag and the lovely metal butterflies. Wonderful design. Hugz

  2. I love that you "made" your own sentiment by cutting a portion of the message strip! Very clever and it gives a whole new use for these strips.

  3. That's lovely. I love those butterflies and the leaves in the stamp set are gorgeous.

  4. Love how you used the tag and that you created your own sentiment, great how the colors go together too!

  5. I'm not into snarky sentiments either so I like your idea of making your own with a little scissor surgery!

  6. I like snark as long as it’s funny and not mean but I’m glad to know some of the sentiments can be modified. Great idea.

  7. Wonderful card, love the big tag design. Thanks for the tip on the snark altering----I didn't buy that sticker book because I couldn't see using lots of those sayings either (even though I THINK them sometimes-LOL!). I might have to reconsider. This month's kit is wonderful, as usual!

  8. Beautiful layering of the papers and a neat idea to add the tag to your card. It's great that the sentiments are versatile and can be altered. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Such a kind sentiment to add to this gorgeous layered card. Liking the beautiful simple clean look of this & those butterflies are just so delicate but pretty. The don't j nd snarky comments as long as they are funny, I hate cruel comments to anyone as you do not the mood a person is in on the day.

  10. Love the simple look of this card. Great idea modifying one of the snarky messages. Thanks for sharing.

  11. This is simple and beautiful card, Sarah.
    Love those leaves and butterfly on it.

  12. I love how you removed the "snarky" from the saying! I am not a fan of snarky so this makes me look at the kit in a whole new way - thanks! Definitely would love to win this kit now.
