Friday, September 2, 2011

Lily Pad Cards: A Day for Daisies

Hi everyone,

I'm back to share a card for this week's Lily Pad Cards challenge which happens to be a colour challenge. Yay! I love colour challenges since they take away some of the decision making. ;)

This week's challenge is sponsored by A Day for Daisies a great digital stamp company.

Here are this month's colours:

I used this adorable little dress from A Day for Daisies along with some Basic Grey patterned paper (Out of Print), a Hero Arts sentiment (from the Adorable Baby Girl set), and a touch of Glossy Accents (on the dots).

Go check out the Lily Pad Cards blog to see what the other designers have created and to get all the challenge details.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love this BG Out of Print paper. Your little dress is adorable - great card!

  2. This is ADORABLE, Sarah! Just too sweet for words!

  3. Oh wow Sarah! That is just too adorable! Love the big bow!

  4. I love this card Sarah! So sweet! and great details on the dress :)

  5. Aw...this is too cute! That patterned paper goes so well with the dress colors!

  6. amazing card !
    Following u from
    Love - pooja !
    found u @ the treasure hunt SSS
