Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank a Soldier

Hi everyone,

Popping in real quick (while my son works on his math sheet) to share a card I made for my brother-in-law who's serving overseas with the National Guard. We put together a care pack for him, including a Kindle from his entire family. Lots of down time gets kind of boring... but WE like it that way. He's serving as a medic, so the more bored he is the better. ;)

Anyways, here's the card I made to put in the care pack:

The background was created using the Silhouette and the sentiment is Hero Arts...

Thanks for visiting... and if you get the chance, thank a soldier for all they do to help keep the world safe.


  1. That background is so clever Sarah!Love teh CAS style! Your BIL will love it!

  2. Hi Sarah! I'm finally getting around to my favorite blogs after being out of commission for a week. Love this fun card! Very cool background! It's perfect for your brother-in-law!

  3. This is a great card for a solider Sarah!!

  4. Great card, Sarah! I'm so grateful for all the servicemen and women who sacrifice their time and sometimes their lives to gain our freedom. In thanking them may we never take our freedom for granted. Hugs!

  5. LOVE this.....perfect card for your BIL!!! He will love this.....xoxoxo!
