Monday, October 28, 2019

SSS November Card Kit: Thankful Snowman & Giveaway!

Hi everyone!

I'm back to share another card featuring the Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit.

For today's card I wanted to play with the watercolours and one of Suzy's Winter Thanks Prints. I painted the print, diecut it with one of Simon's Wonky Rectangle Die once it had dried, and adhered it to a piece of Simon's Leaf Green Cardstock. A great card for mailing since there's no bulk.

Supplies with affiliate links at no extra cost to you:

The Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit sells for $34.99 USD + shipping. If you'd like to receive this and future Simon Says Stamp Card Kits for the discounted price of $29.99 USD + shipping per month, you can SUBSCRIBE HERE. This is the best way to make sure you don't miss out!

Heidi, owner of Simon Says Stamp, has given me an extra Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit 
to pass on to one of you! Just leave a comment on any of my November Card Kit posts and I'll announce a winner tomorrow, Tuesday October 29th.

That's it for me today!


  1. These watercolor panels make such quick cards, great coloring on this fun holiday card.

  2. This is such a sweet little winter scene and I love the softness of your water coloring. What a fun kit!

  3. So adorable! Love the colors you used.

  4. An image and sentiments like this only need a little watercoloring to make it complete. I love this sweet snowman and happy scene.

  5. Marisela Delgado said: Sarah, what a wonderful snowman. I just love this card.

  6. Very cute card and the sentiments are very touching.

  7. Oh Sarah, that card is so cute! I love Suzys prints & your coloring really brings this one to life!!

  8. Super cute snowman .... Suzy P's coloring cards are awesome and your coloring is outstanding!

  9. Absolutely adorable! I love Suzy's art and you watercolored it beautifully. I hate this time of year as I have been on a spending freeze since the end of September (Stamptember) for upcoming Christmas shopping. Seems like all my favorite companies have had phenomenal releases and kits this month!

  10. Beautiful coloring! Love the white highlights!
