Tuesday, October 29, 2019

SSS One of a Kind & November Card Kit Winner!

Hi everyone!

I'm back to share a bonus card featuring the Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit and to announce the winner of the Card Kit.

I thought it would be fun to die cut a patterned background using the Ho Ho Deer Circle Die. I did so from Simon's Ivory Cardstock, placing the panel on a piece of ModaScrap Forever Green patterned paper before adding it to a card made from Simon's Green Leaf Cardstock. I coloured the reindeer noses black before adhering them in place...all except for that one special one who got the red pompom nose. ;) I thought the ''you're one of a kind" sentiment from the Woodland Whimsy Stamp Set was perfect for this card and stamped it on Neenah Desert Storm Cardstock with Versafine Onyx Black Ink.

Supplies with affiliate links at no extra cost to you:

Before I go the winner of the Simon Says Stamp November Card Kit is...

Joy Meadows who said...
So adorable! Love the colors you used.
October 28, 2019 at 5:45 PM
Congrats Joy! Please message me via my side bar with your mailing info so I can pass it on to Simon Says Stamp.

That's it for me today.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Such a fun card, Sarah. I love that you die cut the reindeer multiple times from your card panel.
    Congratulations to Joy! Enjoy!
    Marianne x

  2. So cute! Love how you used the deer die to make a background!

  3. Adorable card, Sarah! I love this cute design! Congrats to the kit winner too!!

  4. Squeeeee!! That's adorable. Congrats Joy. HUgz

  5. Thanks so much, Sarah! I'm excited to receive my kit. Your card for today is super cute, too.

  6. Super fun card, very clever design Sarah!!
    Congrats to Joy for winning the kit!!
